Increasing Amazon Sales By Using Editorial Recommendations

Increase Amazon Sales Using Editorial Recommendations

Frequent Amazon shoppers may have noticed a new feature that appears as they scroll through Amazon Search Results: The Editorial Recommendation. Editorial recommendations are articles written for a customer. Written by a knowledgeable publisher (most likely a member of their affiliate program), they show up on the first page of Amazon search results when a shopper searches one of your items keywords. Said another way, an editorial recommendation is tied to one keyword (or more) found in a product listing. The focus of the editorial recommendation is to call out a main, strong feature or benefit of the listing. 

Your editorial recommendation is not your listing simply showing up in organic search. But this means your items could appear four times on the keyword search results page as an organic listing, a sponsored listing, a brand ad, and as an editorial recommendation. (

Editorial recommendations are part of the Onsite Associates Program, an extension of the Amazon Associates (affiliate) program, that features product-related content from third-party creators like bloggers or publishers. As of this writing, in order to write and publish product-related content for the Onsite Associates Program, a person must be invited by Amazon. ( In addition, products must have a minimum of 100 reviews and an average of 3.8 stars or better to qualify for the program. 

Amazon’s Onsite Associates program is their attempt at placing publisher content into their retail environment. Onsite Associates takes product item guides, written by approved publishers and places them in item search results. A customer sees these during an Amazon search for the “best” of an item category. Because the Onsite Associates process is new, publishers are still figuring out which keywords to use to increase the likelihood of their editorial recommendations appearing in Amazon customer search results. (

If you’d like to scale your business up on Amazon, or if you feel like sales have plateaued, we can help you get through. Consider taking your profitability to the next level and freeing up some of your time by giving us a call, we’d love to help! Please visit us at to learn more.

The full article, “How to Increase Your Amazon Sales Through Editorial Recommendations” can be found by CLICKING HERE

About Streiff Marketing

We are a full-service Amazon Marketing Agency specializing in both Amazon Vendor Central (1P) and Amazon Seller Central (3P) services. Our expert team understands the difference between vendor central vs seller central and builds your strategy to optimize your Amazon brand storefront to maximize sales throughout the Amazon Marketplace. Our Account Management service includes everything you need to use Amazon fulfillment to succeed on Vendor Central or Seller Central, including account setup, optimization, reviews, SEO, pricing, advertising and more.




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