Brand Registry

How to do it the right way

Depending on what type of problems you are having with Amazon determines what lens you see brand registry through. In this blog, we will review what Brand Registry is, the proper way to set it up, how to use it, and common mistakes people make. To enroll for Brand Registry, you must have a trademark for your brand. There are many different types of trademarks and patents that you can enroll in for brand registry and enforce on, but for this blog’s purpose, we will stick to the most common trademark which is a word or design mark. So, if you are starting from scratch, that’s what type of trademark you want first to improve your Amazon business.

Brand Registry is a “status” that Sellers can have when selling on that unlocks certain privileges. Here are a few examples: creating A+ Content, adding a video to your listing, or enforcing trademark violations. You must have a registered trademark to enroll your brand in Brand Registry.

One of the most common mistakes made when dealing with Brand Registry starts in the setup. Brand Registry ( is a separate portal/ login than your Seller or Vendor Central login. You must use the same Admin email that you used to set up your SC (Seller Central) or VC (Vendor Central) accounts. In a situation where you are having someone else manage your SC or VC account, you do not want to give them your Trademark Documents so that they can enroll your brand on their portal that isn’t associated with your SC or VC account. It causes problems and if you ever part ways with that other company or agency amazon will still recognize them as the owner of your Brand. The best practice is to set up the Brand Registry portal yourself and enroll your Brand Trademark on your portal and then either give the Admin login to whoever is managing your Amazon or assign their emails as Rights Owners/Registered Agents.

These are the Roles that you can assign anyone on your Brand Registry Portal. This assignment is found in:

Support -> Contact Brand Registry Support -> Update your brand profile -> Fix issues related to user roles then fill out the form for each person/email you need to add.

Those users will have a separate Brand Registry portal that they also set up with their emails. And if they are accepted as one of these roles your brand/trademark will appear as one of the brands enrolled in their portal.

  1. Administrator: An individual who has full permission to assign roles to user accounts.
  2. Rights Owner: an individual who is the rights owner or an employee of the rights owner who is authorized to report violations.
  3. Registered Agent: a third party who is authorized by the rights owner to report violations.

In the situation where you have given your trademarks over to another company or another brand who was managing it for you and it’s time to take back control, you will need to request that they go through this same process of role assignment and make you Administrator with your Brand Registry Email.

You may be in a situation where you know that someone at your company set up Brand Registry but you have no idea what the email or login would be. In this case, I would start a conversation with Brand Registry explaining your predicament and hope that they will release the email to you and then at least you can hunt down that email and get logged in.

Another scenario we see a lot is where someone in the has set up a brand registry without anyone being aware so when you go and create your brand registry login that has the same admin email as your Seller Central account and goes to enroll your brand it gives you the error message saying that someone has already enrolled that brand. In this case, you will need to do the same thing and track down that person/ login and then you can make the correct account the “Administrator” by updating the User Roles.

The two most common ways to use Brand registry outside of the obvious features that are unlocked like A+ Content and Listing Videos is 1. Controlling contributions and listing attributes and 2. Using the “Report a violation” tool to search for and report items that may be infringing on your copyrights or registered trademarks.

When there is more than 1 seller on an Amazon listing. Amazon has to decide which content is provided by the different sellers to display to the consumer. This is normally referred to as “contribution”. Unfortunately, Amazon’s complicated algorithm is what decides what/whose contribution to display based on several factors. There is an unspoken Hierarchy of contribution. Normally “retail contribution” (AKA Vendor Central contribution) and Brand Registry are at the top of the list. This is why it is really important to get a brand registered if you are having issues with other people selling on your listing.

When in your Brand registry portal go to Support -> Contact Brand Support -> and then typically “Listing issue but depending on the nature of help you need a number of the option can help create a case. Most of the time when you are trying to get a product detail page attribute changed, they will ask you for a manufactures website so it can be very helpful to have similar attributes on your website.

The violation report is used to notify Amazon of alleged intellectual property infringements. You can enter the Asin in the search bar and then select the box next to the seller/sellers name who is violating intellectual property then in the top right there is a drop-down “Select issue Type” choose from the three option Copyright infringement, Patent infringement, and Trademark infringement and fill out the form and submit. Normally the case will be reviewed within 1-2 days.

About Streiff Marketing

We are a full-service Amazon Marketing Agency specializing in both Amazon Vendor Central (1P) and Amazon Seller Central (3P) services. Our expert team understands the difference between vendor central vs seller central and builds your strategy to optimize your Amazon brand storefront to maximize sales throughout the Amazon Marketplace. Our Account Management service includes everything you need to use Amazon fulfillment to succeed on Vendor Central or Seller Central, including account setup, optimization, reviews, SEO, pricing, advertising and more.




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